Modern vehicles have much more going on under the bonnet than they used to. Most mechanical functions are controlled by a central computer and this allows us to accurately and quickly diagnose any faults that should occur. If there’s a new light on the dashboard, or a warning error message displayed, Station Road Garage in Corsham have state-of-the-art diagnostic equipment to suit almost all vehicles and diagnose the problem.
Auto Electrical Repairs in Corsham
We can diagnose and repair everything relating to your vehicle’s electrical system so if you’ve been experiencing problems with indicators, electric windows or even the stereo and heated seats. Our vehicle diagnostic equipment will let us know straight away where the problem lies so we can fix the root cause.

Diagnostic checks cover:
- Fuel injection problems
- Engine management faults
- Exhaust emission & diesel particulate faults
- Exhaust emission & catalytic converter faults
- Airbag problems
- ABS faults
- Flat spot, hesitation and misfire
- Diagnostic trouble codes (DTC’s)
- Manual gearbox & automatic transmission faults
- Many more